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Hawks Athletics

Hayfield Secondary School


Hawks Athletics

Hayfield Secondary School

Hawks Athletics

Hayfield Secondary School

Staff Bios.

Tyrone Crabb

Asst. Coach

Boys Varsity Football

Assistant Coach Tyrone Crabb Bio

LTC (RET) Crabb, faithfully served his country and with outstanding service for over 22 years. He served in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. Coach Crabb has traveled and served both in the U.S. and abroad. While in the service what he found most rewarding was coaching, mentoring, training and developing young men & women into excellent service members and superior teams.  Coach has been married to the same beautiful young lady for 24 years and he has two wonderful kids; one who is a member of the Virginia Tech dance team and a son who is a QB and track star for Lake Braddock Secondary

Coach Crabb started his coaching career in 1992. Coach Crabb is a nationally credentialed QB coach with Darin Slack’s National Football Academies. He has coached all aspects and positions of the game of football, basketball and track.  Coach Crabb is in the process of moving “Mountains” as he is striving to become a collegiate coach.

Coach Crabb is currently the Varsity Wide Receiver coach at Hayfield Secondary.  He has implemented the same techniques and tactics he used at Lake Braddock Secondary, which led LBSS to a 2013 District Championship and proved to be one the most potent offenses in Virginia. LBSS averaged 42 points per game and over 300 yards of passing offense.

Coach Crabb played college football at Morgan State University and then later was a Captain and QB for the Darmstadt Raiders, in Germany. Coach Crabb’s love affair with sports, specifically football, has led him to a daily grind of learning as much as he can about the game. Coach Crabb has coached all facets of the game of football and at all levels; he has coached at the youth, semi pro and currently high school levels.

In 2007, Coach Crabb decided to specialize in the development of Quarterbacks.  His development began with the late Joe Krivak, former Maryland Head Coach and NFL scout. Coach Crabb mentored under Coach Krivak for over 2 years. Coach Crabb was then introduced to Dub Maddox and Darin Slack and he has continued his professional development under these great men. 

Coach Crabb has had the pleasure to personally work with and learn from individuals who have played at all levels, won the highest championships and are in the Pro Hall of Fame.  He has worked and learned from Art Monk, Ricky Ervins, Brian Mitchell, Phillip Blackwell, Shawn Springs, Joe Krivak, Jim Poythress, & Eric Henderson. Coach constantly attends various coaching clinics and actively seeks out opportunities to speak with college coaches to continue his professional development to provide his student athletes with tools to make them better players and more importantly, the tools to help them succeed in college and life.  Coach Crabb ‘s goal for all of his players is for them to attend college and become great men and role models.

Coach Crabb has received several awards: 1986 & 1987 Academic All American, 1996 EFL  Semi Pro Football Defensive Coordinator of the Year and 2102 Fairfax, Nike’s Youth Coach of The Year.

Coach's desire to be a better QB Coach lead him to Darin Slack’s National Football Academies; he realizes that this was nothing but God at work.  Coach is very grateful and he thanks God for allowing him to meet all the gentlemen mentioned above.

Coach Crabb also thanks God for a wonderful spouse who is allowing him to chase to his passion. He knows through faith, he will move “Mountains” and in the future he will be a college coach.

“Through him all things are possible!”